Sunday, September 16, 2007

Integrating CAS with Perl

At work we are trying to setup CAS (Central Authentication Service from JA-SIG) with Perl and Java. Java worked out fine especially JSPs. Guys are trying to integrate it with acegi framework. So I decided to try out perl. As it turned out JSSE stores the certs in binary format called 'DER' while perl's SSL expects the certs to be in 'PEM' format. So after browsing a bit here is how I managed to get the cert

% openssl s_client -connect myserver:port -showcerts

This produced an output that contained something like


I Just copied that into a file called /etc/cacert.pem.

To get things to work, I had to install AuthCAS version 1.3. However, there was an error in the module. It contained a line

unless (defined $xmlRef)

which should have read

unless (defined @xml)

After making the change, the following code ran without any problem

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use AuthCAS;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser );
use File::Spec::Functions qw(splitpath);

my $q = new CGI();
my ($volume, $directories, $file) = splitpath($0);
my $cas = new AuthCAS(casUrl => "https://server:port",
CAFile => "/tmp/cacert.pem",
my $ticket = $q->param('ticket');
# if no ticket exists then redirect to login
if( $ticket eq "") {
my $login_url = $cas->getServerLoginURL("http://localhost/cgi-bin/$file");
print $q->redirect($login_url);
} else {
my $user = $cas->validateST("http://localhost/cgi-bin/$file", $ticket) or die AuthCAS::get_errors();
Content-type: text/html

Hello $user

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